Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What's the point?

I have been doing a great deal of soul searching over the past few weeks, even more than usual. About coming out to my family, about living a long, painful lonely life and dying alone, about finding someone to love who will love me back, about the purpose of my existence, and back to being alone. I have had sleep issues for most of the last 15 years or so, and have been doing battle with depression for 20 years. The sleepless days and nights are caused by depression, and the depression is caused by being closeted, alone, and without purpose. So, i lay in bed staring at the ceiling, glancing at the clock, watching time slowly advance, and ponder my existence.

I was brought up in a Christian home. After my parents divorced, my mom was "born again" and would drag my sister, brother, and i to church every Sunday. It was shortly after this that i pretty much figured out that i'm gay. I was still trying to convince myself that i would marry a girl and have a family, etc for years after, but deep inside somewhere i knew that would never happen. I was a pretty lonely kid before then, so this only further served to deepen the loneliness i felt. I am pretty shy, and always have been, so making friends has never been an easy thing for me. But, that's ok, coz now i've got God on my side. He will help me to feel better, not so lonely. For years and years i prayed to God to ease my pain, help me find my way, help the loneliness to go away. Those prayers have still gone unanswered almost 20 years later. Eventually i came to realize that the reason my prayers were going unanswered is that no one is listening. I believe that something set the universe in motion, call it god for lack of a better term, but that "god" cares nothing for us humans. Just look at all the horrible things that happen in the world on a daily basis. How could a God who loves us and cares for us allow such things to go on? I'm not saying that god would micromanage and give someone the winning lottery numbers or strike dead the neighbors dog who keeps shitting on your yard. But on a much grander scale, look at the number of innocent children who die horrible painful deaths at the hands of some wretched disease, or some sick, perverted, child molesting rapist. No loving god would allow such things to go on. That is why i am convinced that religion is an invention of man, used as a tool to give their lives purpose, justify their existence.

So, what's the point of our lives? Why do we live only to die? I go to work everyday, and work hard. But why do i go to work? Food and shelter certainly, but i could have that if i were to quit my job and get on the government dole. No, i work hard so i can have a higher standard of life. But even that is seeming rather pointless these days. It comes full circle to being alone. I want to be able to share my life with someone, and make the work i do worth while again.

But finding someone to share my life with is an extremely difficult task. I know one other gay guy, and i have been trying to get together with him to talk for 9 months, and it hasn't happened. I can't even get together to talk, let alone go out someplace with him and mingle and meet people. The other person i am out to doesn't know any gay guys that he could introduce me to. I'm not talking about romance even, just a new friend to be able to talk and relate to. So, i try to meet people online. I send out message after message, introducing myself, not being a creepo, wanting only to talk make a new friend. But i get very few replies, and of those who do reply, they all flake out and sever contact after a few messages. So i still don't have any gay friends, no way of networking, and maybe finding a partner, someone to share my life with.

I have lost something like 45 pounds, but still have a long way to go. As i slowly lose weight and get in shape, i am still getting older and older. By the time i am finally presentable and marketable, i will be pushing 40. But even if i were in shape, i still have all my emotional baggage to deal with. I am guessing that even if i did find a boyfriend, i would manage to fuck things up with my insecurity, lack of confidence, and low self esteem. I have never had a reason to have any of these things, and still don't really, so they are all foreign concepts to me. Not something i can learn overnight. So once again, time marches on and i get older and the odds of me finding someone get slimmer.

I don't even know where i am going with any of this. I know that i am in love with a guy who will never love me back, and i can accept that, but i still have feelings for him. That hurts. Love is pain to me right now. I have a crush on another guy, who is gay, but for various reasons nothing will ever come of it and he will never find out how he makes me feel. Then there is my latest crush. I met him Monday night at my favorite pizza place. He is a server there. Now, my gaydar doesn't work for shit, but he was setting off alarms. I don't know for sure if he is gay or not, but i do know he is cute, and really very nice. He is younger than me, mid 20's i'd guess. So now what? One more guy for me to admire from afar, to dream about as i lay in bed alone? I don't know when he works even, so it's gonna be hard to go in and see him. Even if he is working, i may not get seated in his section. So, once again, i like a guy who i don't know for sure is gay, and who will be difficult to judge if he is being nice because it's his job, or if he's interested. He seems like a really sweet, nice guy. I am a horrible flirt, and i get really nervous talking to guys i like. But what do i have to offer him? He could get a much younger, better looking guy than me. I can't help but feel like i am setting myself up for failure by even entertaining the idea of asking him out.

My mind is drifting, i have a headache, and my eyes are burning. I need to lay down. Sorry for the random post. I doubt any of it makes any sense at all. I still can't find any purpose to my existence. Life seems to be one big monumental waste of time. I hope i'm wrong, but i really don't think i am.


Jeremy said...

:( I don't sever contact with you!


Anonymous said...

on the topic of religion and the questions you raised, I would highly recommend reading The Shack by Wm. Paul Young

on all the rest - I feel for you. At some point you will have to make a step and take a risk so these thoughts do not become self-fulfilling.

take care

Gauss Jordan said...

Aww. I haven't severed contact either.

Huh. Verification: "acters." Are we all just actors on the great stage of life?

naturgesetz said...

Lots of people say "The Shack" is great!

I think the way to meet people is to go places and do things. The pizza guy is a perfect example. He may or may not be gay, and if he is, something may or may not develop. But you were in a public place engaged in a normal activity, and you encountered someone. The more you are around other people, the more chance you have of making friends. Organized groups don't give such a wide range of encounters, but they provide easier acquaintance and closer contact without needing an official relationship one on one. So if there is any sort of organization that interests you, join up.

You don't find people by looking for them. You find them by letting yourself encounter them.

And don't worry about your age. Whenever you meet someone special, you'll be happy that you met.

Hang in there.


Bruce said...

I hate to be blunt and I haven't read all of your posts but if you re-read your first paragraph, particularly this sentence

"The sleepless days and nights are caused by depression, and the depression is caused by being closeted, alone, and without purpose."

it tells you all you need to know. I was in the closet until I was 34 and I have many regrets due to that. But at some point you have to realize that you have to live your life for you and no one else. No matter the reaction from your family, you have to be true to who you are and live for only YOU. Your family will have to make that decision of whether to support you or not, but that will be their decision and not one you can influence. My experience is that over time they come around because they love you but you cannot live your life for them. Trust me on that one, I tried but was miserable. Not like my life is perfect but it is much better than when I was in the closet. Good luck and know that your readers know what you are going through because we have all been there or are there right now.

Anonymous said...

If I were closer I'd give you something to live for. ;-) I hope you finally got to rest man.

Col said...

Hi Deadwing,

I agree with naturgesetz and Bruce. In paragraph 5 you say "I am guessing that even if i did find a boyfriend, i would manage to fuck things up with my insecurity, lack of confidence, and low self esteem." And yet in paragraph 6 you say "I am a horrible flirt, and i get really nervous talking to guys i like."

To be able to flirt with someone shows a certain degree of confidence imo. So you get nervous! Even the most confident people get nervous about things like that, they just manage to hide it better.

I can totally relate to a lot of what you've said here, especially the sleep issues (I'm a 30 year vet of insomnia. Lol!) and the low self-esteem, confidence, lonliness etc. I think many of us older guys (and maybe some of the younger ones too)can relate to it.

If being closeted is the main cause of your depression; that's what you have to address first. Once you come out, even if you get a negative response from your dad, you'll feel another 45lb lighter. Then you can go on to make other positive changes to your life. And who knows... with that new found sense of freedom may come better things!

Take care,

Rox said...

Deadwing, don't give up.

There so many things I want to say but my mind is at a fizzle at the moment.

But plain and simple:

"Be strong. <3"

Mirrorboy said...

I think you keep forgetting the fact that you are 'normal'. Lots of other people have their own issues with finding a partner as well and many people are feeling lonely and sad each night. You are NOT some lonely old fat guy who's sitting at home while everyone else is out partying or snuggling a lover.

Life is tough on a lot of us. Guess what, that's the norm!

You need to get out of the mindset that 'everything is stacked against you'.

You're an awesome human being and any guy would be lucky to have you. :)

much love

Highwayman said...

Hey buddy, I'm still hanging around and I'm in the same boat as you. Be patient and keep working towards your goals and love will find you. We can talk anytime.

Mr McCabbage said...

Mirrorboy is right, this is the normal thing - but it should not be for you .. Your questions are good but also poisonous, they can make you alarmingly ill. So you need answers soon. Note that you were born with a certain lack of joy? In a past life your rejection of joy may have been 'political', as life seemed imposed, with mockery, obligations, restrictions, double standards, and a possibility of failure (eternal hell). All this is learned crap, without which independent joy is natural. You may have returned as gay to overcome this shyness - to instead flaunt joy as your new 'political' duty. (Don't do it yet though, first understand.) This is hard to do, just as in a gym we choose weights. Not having an ideal body makes it easier, and means it is not the only thing you came to do. Easier - I know an achingly beautiful guy, everybody stares, which is hard for him.

There are many opinions on why the world is this way. Gautama Buddha (ca 563-483 BC) said: "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." He meant that literally. We could say that God the Father is general light, while God the Son is that light which came together in one point, like a star. This brought self-consciousness and then the immediate intelligent reaction - suicide. Unfortunately that is impossible for God, and our continued efforts are painful. God's problem is that he will exist and experience forever. The Gypsies often apologise, "Useless to hang us, we cannot die." We are the shattered Son of God, and we create this worldly illusion with the full power of God. It is fun to explain to those contemplating suicide that the Big Bang already was a botched suicide. We need to stop doing it to ourselves.

Please, read the (thin) book "Conversations with God", book 1, by Neale Donald Walsch. Never mind how he wrote it, just see what it says. For example: "Most people enter into relationships with an eye toward what they can get out of them, rather than what they can put into them. The purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of yourself you'd like to see "show up," not what part of another you can capture and hold. There can be only one purpose for relationships - and for all of life: to be and to decide Who You Really Are ... The master understands that it doesn't matter what the other is being, doing, having, saying, wanting, demanding. It doesn't matter what the other is thinking, expecting, planning. It only matters what you are being in relationship to that. The most loving person is the person who is Self-centered ... Who You Really Are is who you create yourself to be in relationship to all the rest of it."

The quick way is to read some books - read all of it but as fast as possible. Imagine if you had answers to your questions, how valuable you could be for others. The last 2 will cheer you up, guaranteed:
+ Conversations with God (at least book 1) - Neale Donald Walsch.
+ A Course In Miracles, ACIM
(culturally a wonder that this book can exist at all.)
+ Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field - Barbara Ann Brennan [former NASA scientist].
+ Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires - Esther & Jerry Hicks.
+ You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay.

Mr McCabbage said...

Just to add my last bit (Blogger complained, too many notes) .. As said before, your main problem is your learned conventionality - compared to your particular soul. Hence depression and insomnia. Reading the books is the same as buying the car, only cheaper. You will see what it does. Improving the body is the most difficult part - however it will soon matter less. Emerson wrote: "Hast not thy share? On winged feet, lo! it rushes thee to meet; and all that Nature made thy own, floating in air or pent in stone, will rive the hills and swim the sea, and like thy shadow follow thee." He was no fool.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is worth doing without the risk of failure. Besides proper rest is for the dead ;)

Take life step by step and fix what you can. (the family maybe...?)

I'm rooting for you.

Mr. Urs said...

Please don't worry about the age. Finding love does not depend on that. Even looks are highly overrated.

I had to turn 36 until I found the love I was looking for. And it took a man who was willing to keep knocking on my shell for quite some time until it broke. I now think, it would have happened much earlier if I had taken care of that shell myself.

I copy-paste here Mirrorboy's line, because it's true and we can't repeat it enough: "You're an awesome human being and any guy would be lucky to have you. :)"


cvn70 said...


man i know how you feel alot and i wish i had an answer for you. God he doesnt hate us but he does allow man free will from which we man can go and fuck up this pwrld

Yo know all i can say is fo ryou t okeep going and never give in. Fo rever bad quality you have i am sure yo have good qulaitites try and focus on then

take care and be safe


torchy! said...

omg. i can't believe there's 3 of your posts i haven't commented on, and now you'll be thinking i've severed contact. nah, that aint gonna happen.

i agree with the others - good advice - and esp mirrorboy's sentence 'you are an awesome...'

it is a great pleasure to know you dw.
