...but i think it's time for 2011 to get the fuck out.
Wow, another year is gone? Shit oh dear, i'm getting old! What a blur this year was. Not all of it good. Most of it was crap, actually. Between my grandpa passing away, my mom developing health issues and my grandma really not doing so well either, it's been pretty shit. I'm glad to see 2011 go away.
The above said, i still have plenty to be thankful for, and am reminded daily of just how fortunate i really am.
I wish all of you the best for 2012!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Long Time, No Spank... I Mean Speak
Well, hello there. Been a long time my friends. How is everyone doing out there in the world? Very well indeed, i hope. Everyone behaving themselves, hmm? I suspect not. ;-)
First off, this new blogger dashboard is...different. I suspect i'll get used to it, but for now it's just way too white! I'll have to tinker and see if i can customize the view.
Anywho, on to business. Tomorrow is a rather important day for me. And for E. Why you ask? An excellent question. It's such an important occasion because it is mine and E's two year anniversary. Yes, i have managed to find a man that has been willing to put up with all my bullshit for two who years! I now believe in miracles. In all seriousness though, i am the first to admit i am not an easy person to live with (and it's been nearly a year since E has moved in with me...i'm still adjusting, but i rather like having someone to come home to). He must really love to have not killed me by now. I'm moody, grumpy, loud, and i swear a lot. I snore, hog the covers and like the bedroom way colder than E would have it. I'm lazy, a slob, and i hate house work. I like to eat full flavor foods (i.e. NOT healthy), smoke cigars and drink way too much whisky (is there such a thing?). I spend money on frivolous things instead of saving it, drive a car that wastes fuel and like to live a little dangerously. But for some reason, the wonderful man that i met two years ago has stuck by my side, and remained faithful to me despite the fact that he's hot and i'm not, and he could have any man he wants. We argue like an old married couple, and i know i infuriate him at times (as does he to me), but we always kiss and make up and get over ourselves and our little problems. I know in the grand scheme of things, two years is just a single grain of sand through the hour glass of time, but it's the longest relationship i've ever been in (and E's second longest) and also the longest i've ever lived with anyone other than family. I guess in the end, all that matters is that i love him with all my heart and he loves me. God willing, this will last a lifetime.
The other part of all this is that a few months ago we dispensed with the "boyfriend" nomenclature. Now, it's "partner". It feels more serious, more real, more committed than mere boyfriends. I haven't bought him a commitment ring yet, but that is on the horizon i think. Marriage? Get back to me. Baby steps...
What else is new? I missed out on another opportunity for promotion at work. I'm kind of bummed. But, once they start paying relocation money, it opens the floodgates and people way more qualified than me bid on the openings. But still, i missed out on the big money. The pay bands for supervisors were adjusted recently, and not up. The bottom of the bad now fall below what i currently make, which means a very insignificant pay increase for me when i finally do get promoted (it's only a matter of time as i'm checking all the right boxes and kissing all the right asses). So i now have to decide if the increase in responsibility and the ultra high bullshit factor is worth the modest pay increase. I'm starting to rethink my plans. Maybe i should resign my current job as a support specialist and just go back to working the boards. Get back in the comfort zone, and get back my sunday pay, night differential and holiday pay. The people i used to work with were way more fun too. Oh, i still do work with them when i get my currency time, but offices are too fucking stuffy. That said, i bid another supe job today. Cross option, so i'd change facilities. We'll see... I went to Maui for two weeks with E back in September. First class to boot. E had to drive us from the airport to the hotel. I was a bit intoxiated... I drank every last drop of Grand Marnier on the aircraft and then some. The trip was amazing. Warm beaches, sunshine, no schedules or jobs or bosses. We went to the top of Haleakala and watched the sunset (we are both far too lazy to get up early enough to watch the sunrise). Mimosas for breakfast, Mai Tais for lunch and the best seafood i've ever had for dinner. The ultimate in relaxation in the most perfect place i've ever been. I'm ready to go back. I'm not ready for winter, and don't even mention the S word...
I went and bought a new toy a few weeks back. I purchased a brand new SIG556 SWAT assault rifle. And a few thousand rounds of ammo. I'm now ready for the apocalypse. Bring on the zombies! The lease is up on my A4 in less than a year. I'm already over my milage allowance for the term of the lease (oops), so my options are buy it out, or trade it in on something newer. I'm leaning towards new car. I've got my eye on the Audi A7. The S4 is also an option, as it will be refreshed for the 2013 model year, but i'm not sure it will have some of the goodies that i want and are available on the A7. Plus it's awful similar to what i currently have. Decisions, decisions...
Well, i should let you all go. You're probably bored to tears by now. It's been fun catching up, we should do this more often. Don't be strangers!
First off, this new blogger dashboard is...different. I suspect i'll get used to it, but for now it's just way too white! I'll have to tinker and see if i can customize the view.
Anywho, on to business. Tomorrow is a rather important day for me. And for E. Why you ask? An excellent question. It's such an important occasion because it is mine and E's two year anniversary. Yes, i have managed to find a man that has been willing to put up with all my bullshit for two who years! I now believe in miracles. In all seriousness though, i am the first to admit i am not an easy person to live with (and it's been nearly a year since E has moved in with me...i'm still adjusting, but i rather like having someone to come home to). He must really love to have not killed me by now. I'm moody, grumpy, loud, and i swear a lot. I snore, hog the covers and like the bedroom way colder than E would have it. I'm lazy, a slob, and i hate house work. I like to eat full flavor foods (i.e. NOT healthy), smoke cigars and drink way too much whisky (is there such a thing?). I spend money on frivolous things instead of saving it, drive a car that wastes fuel and like to live a little dangerously. But for some reason, the wonderful man that i met two years ago has stuck by my side, and remained faithful to me despite the fact that he's hot and i'm not, and he could have any man he wants. We argue like an old married couple, and i know i infuriate him at times (as does he to me), but we always kiss and make up and get over ourselves and our little problems. I know in the grand scheme of things, two years is just a single grain of sand through the hour glass of time, but it's the longest relationship i've ever been in (and E's second longest) and also the longest i've ever lived with anyone other than family. I guess in the end, all that matters is that i love him with all my heart and he loves me. God willing, this will last a lifetime.
The other part of all this is that a few months ago we dispensed with the "boyfriend" nomenclature. Now, it's "partner". It feels more serious, more real, more committed than mere boyfriends. I haven't bought him a commitment ring yet, but that is on the horizon i think. Marriage? Get back to me. Baby steps...
What else is new? I missed out on another opportunity for promotion at work. I'm kind of bummed. But, once they start paying relocation money, it opens the floodgates and people way more qualified than me bid on the openings. But still, i missed out on the big money. The pay bands for supervisors were adjusted recently, and not up. The bottom of the bad now fall below what i currently make, which means a very insignificant pay increase for me when i finally do get promoted (it's only a matter of time as i'm checking all the right boxes and kissing all the right asses). So i now have to decide if the increase in responsibility and the ultra high bullshit factor is worth the modest pay increase. I'm starting to rethink my plans. Maybe i should resign my current job as a support specialist and just go back to working the boards. Get back in the comfort zone, and get back my sunday pay, night differential and holiday pay. The people i used to work with were way more fun too. Oh, i still do work with them when i get my currency time, but offices are too fucking stuffy. That said, i bid another supe job today. Cross option, so i'd change facilities. We'll see... I went to Maui for two weeks with E back in September. First class to boot. E had to drive us from the airport to the hotel. I was a bit intoxiated... I drank every last drop of Grand Marnier on the aircraft and then some. The trip was amazing. Warm beaches, sunshine, no schedules or jobs or bosses. We went to the top of Haleakala and watched the sunset (we are both far too lazy to get up early enough to watch the sunrise). Mimosas for breakfast, Mai Tais for lunch and the best seafood i've ever had for dinner. The ultimate in relaxation in the most perfect place i've ever been. I'm ready to go back. I'm not ready for winter, and don't even mention the S word...
I went and bought a new toy a few weeks back. I purchased a brand new SIG556 SWAT assault rifle. And a few thousand rounds of ammo. I'm now ready for the apocalypse. Bring on the zombies! The lease is up on my A4 in less than a year. I'm already over my milage allowance for the term of the lease (oops), so my options are buy it out, or trade it in on something newer. I'm leaning towards new car. I've got my eye on the Audi A7. The S4 is also an option, as it will be refreshed for the 2013 model year, but i'm not sure it will have some of the goodies that i want and are available on the A7. Plus it's awful similar to what i currently have. Decisions, decisions...
Well, i should let you all go. You're probably bored to tears by now. It's been fun catching up, we should do this more often. Don't be strangers!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
What A Chump.
Chump. That's the term used to describe people like me, or anyone who makes an effort to work hard, better themselves and be a contributing member of society. Why do i say that, you ask? Allow me to explain.
For you long-readers, you will most likely remember the car crash i was involved in way back in August of 2009. For those who haven't been reading long, or who need a refresher, here's what happened. I was driving to work one fine Friday afternoon minding my own business when i happened upon a long line of stopped cars where there usually isn't one. Traffic normally flows at the speed limit of 50 mph on this road, and stops at the few traffic lights are rare because there isn't much cross traffic. So, i come to a full and complete stop and notice a state pig and a DOT vehicle on the shoulder, finishing up clearing a crash. I am stopped for a good 2 minutes and am trying to look ahead to see what the problem is when BAM!!!! Some stupid fucking cunt in a giant 6000 pound SUV plows into the back of my brand new, six month old, hadn't been in for it's first service yet Audi S5. The force of the collision is so great that it pushes my car into the car in front of me, that car into the one in front of it and that car into the one in front of it.
Needless to say, my car is fucked up. In fact, it's a total loss. I file the claim through my insurance (good thing, because as it turns out, the stupid twat that hit me didn't have enough insurance to cover the property damage) and my insurance pays out pretty much what i paid for the car. Great, right? Well, almost.
The car that got killed was a 2009 model year. At the time of the accident, we are into the 2010 model year. Sure, i could have scrounged and found a used one that matched eventually, but it's a used car. I am not spending that kind of cash on a used car, especially given that my wrecked car was brand new at the time of loss, for all intents and purposes.
Short story long, I had to order a 2010 car to replace my 2009 car and of course, costs go up. All in all, my replacement vehicle cost me about $4000 more than the wrecked car, and i lost about $3000 on extended warranties, service contracts, satellite radio subscriptions, etc. on the wrecked car that couldn't be refunded to me. for a total of about $7000.
This doesn't even take into account the fact my back and neck are all fucked up, that my mobility is reduced and i've put back on the 75 pounds i lost prior to the crash. So, now i'm once again a fat fuck who is in constant pain and no hope of ever getting back to my former self.
It has taken two fucking years to settle this case. Two years of dealing with slime ball piece of shit lawyers, doctors, insurance companies and all their minions. I attended an arbitration hearing last week to see what i would be getting for my settlement for all the shit this whore has put me through. Net result, after the insurance companies and lawyers get their cut, i'll be getting about $3500. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?! For all the shit i've had to go through and still go through, that's all i get? That doesn't even cover my losses!
Partly i'm getting fucked because there is no pity in the "justice" system for people who actually have jobs and aren't fucking bums who suck those who work hard dry. The arbitrator felt sorry for the goddamn cunt who hit me and fucked up my life because she is an irresponsible piece of shit and has filed bankruptcy and has no money, and simultaneously doesn't feel sorry for me, the victim, simply because i have the means to provide for myself and have nice things.
This country has become such an ass-backwards, fucked-up, welfare state that coddles the useless and takes from the ones who work and strive to succeed. It's got to the point that working hard and trying to better ones self is pure foolishness. Why work hard only to have what you work for taken away from you? And why should i hold myself accountable for my action when nobody else is held accountable for theirs?
It's time for a revolution. Send the bums back to where they belong, the gutter. We need a class system that gives those who work hard all the power and wealth and those who don't work get nothing. No more welfare, no more social programs. I'm tired of propping things up and being the chump. Maybe i should stop working and stop be accountable and just sit back and relax for a change. After all, there are plenty of other chumps out there working hard who are ripe to have what they have eared taken from them
For you long-readers, you will most likely remember the car crash i was involved in way back in August of 2009. For those who haven't been reading long, or who need a refresher, here's what happened. I was driving to work one fine Friday afternoon minding my own business when i happened upon a long line of stopped cars where there usually isn't one. Traffic normally flows at the speed limit of 50 mph on this road, and stops at the few traffic lights are rare because there isn't much cross traffic. So, i come to a full and complete stop and notice a state pig and a DOT vehicle on the shoulder, finishing up clearing a crash. I am stopped for a good 2 minutes and am trying to look ahead to see what the problem is when BAM!!!! Some stupid fucking cunt in a giant 6000 pound SUV plows into the back of my brand new, six month old, hadn't been in for it's first service yet Audi S5. The force of the collision is so great that it pushes my car into the car in front of me, that car into the one in front of it and that car into the one in front of it.
Needless to say, my car is fucked up. In fact, it's a total loss. I file the claim through my insurance (good thing, because as it turns out, the stupid twat that hit me didn't have enough insurance to cover the property damage) and my insurance pays out pretty much what i paid for the car. Great, right? Well, almost.
The car that got killed was a 2009 model year. At the time of the accident, we are into the 2010 model year. Sure, i could have scrounged and found a used one that matched eventually, but it's a used car. I am not spending that kind of cash on a used car, especially given that my wrecked car was brand new at the time of loss, for all intents and purposes.
Short story long, I had to order a 2010 car to replace my 2009 car and of course, costs go up. All in all, my replacement vehicle cost me about $4000 more than the wrecked car, and i lost about $3000 on extended warranties, service contracts, satellite radio subscriptions, etc. on the wrecked car that couldn't be refunded to me. for a total of about $7000.
This doesn't even take into account the fact my back and neck are all fucked up, that my mobility is reduced and i've put back on the 75 pounds i lost prior to the crash. So, now i'm once again a fat fuck who is in constant pain and no hope of ever getting back to my former self.
It has taken two fucking years to settle this case. Two years of dealing with slime ball piece of shit lawyers, doctors, insurance companies and all their minions. I attended an arbitration hearing last week to see what i would be getting for my settlement for all the shit this whore has put me through. Net result, after the insurance companies and lawyers get their cut, i'll be getting about $3500. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?! For all the shit i've had to go through and still go through, that's all i get? That doesn't even cover my losses!
Partly i'm getting fucked because there is no pity in the "justice" system for people who actually have jobs and aren't fucking bums who suck those who work hard dry. The arbitrator felt sorry for the goddamn cunt who hit me and fucked up my life because she is an irresponsible piece of shit and has filed bankruptcy and has no money, and simultaneously doesn't feel sorry for me, the victim, simply because i have the means to provide for myself and have nice things.
This country has become such an ass-backwards, fucked-up, welfare state that coddles the useless and takes from the ones who work and strive to succeed. It's got to the point that working hard and trying to better ones self is pure foolishness. Why work hard only to have what you work for taken away from you? And why should i hold myself accountable for my action when nobody else is held accountable for theirs?
It's time for a revolution. Send the bums back to where they belong, the gutter. We need a class system that gives those who work hard all the power and wealth and those who don't work get nothing. No more welfare, no more social programs. I'm tired of propping things up and being the chump. Maybe i should stop working and stop be accountable and just sit back and relax for a change. After all, there are plenty of other chumps out there working hard who are ripe to have what they have eared taken from them
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I hate when that happens! I don't know how many of you have seen this little incident in the news (and if you have, you've probably only heard the edited version), but it sure made me laugh when i heard it. For those of you who don't know of this, what happened was, a Southwest Airlines pilot either had a stuck mic or had inadvertently keyed his mic while he was talking to the other pilot while in the cockpit and en route. So, the net effect was everyone on frequency got to hear all sorts of things that i'm sure this pilot is absolutely mortified went out over the air.
Now for the record, i am all for people holding whatever opinions they want about anything at all, even though, as in this case, i may not agree with them, so long as those opinions are discussed and shared in the proper venue. As this was an honest mistake, and the pilot thought he was having a private conversation with his fellow crew mate (although the fact that cockpit voice recorders can hold up to four hours of audio and transcripts of said recorders fall into the public realm if an accident should occur, nothing said in the cockpit of an airliner is really that private), i really don't see why this is such a media circus. I mean, everyone says things in private that they would never say in public, and i'm sure if this guy knew he was live and on the air he would have never said such things. In fact, occurrences such as this are not all that uncommon. It's just that the conversation is usually more benign, such as the pilots accidentally transmitting what they think is going over the PA to the passengers. Hell, even i have accidentally broadcast stuff that i didn't mean to. And considering the conversations that take place while i'm at work, i'm damn lucky the stuff that's gone out has all been G rated.
At any rate, the stuff this pilot said was pretty offensive even to my ears, but i still got a chuckle out of it thinking about how this pilot must have felt when he got call into the bosses office and heard the tape for himself.
Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you the Worlds Most Embarrassed Airline Pilot...
Now for the record, i am all for people holding whatever opinions they want about anything at all, even though, as in this case, i may not agree with them, so long as those opinions are discussed and shared in the proper venue. As this was an honest mistake, and the pilot thought he was having a private conversation with his fellow crew mate (although the fact that cockpit voice recorders can hold up to four hours of audio and transcripts of said recorders fall into the public realm if an accident should occur, nothing said in the cockpit of an airliner is really that private), i really don't see why this is such a media circus. I mean, everyone says things in private that they would never say in public, and i'm sure if this guy knew he was live and on the air he would have never said such things. In fact, occurrences such as this are not all that uncommon. It's just that the conversation is usually more benign, such as the pilots accidentally transmitting what they think is going over the PA to the passengers. Hell, even i have accidentally broadcast stuff that i didn't mean to. And considering the conversations that take place while i'm at work, i'm damn lucky the stuff that's gone out has all been G rated.
At any rate, the stuff this pilot said was pretty offensive even to my ears, but i still got a chuckle out of it thinking about how this pilot must have felt when he got call into the bosses office and heard the tape for himself.
Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you the Worlds Most Embarrassed Airline Pilot...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Aerial Photography
The following were all taken in early February 2011 from the cozy confines of my seat aboard an MD-80 using my iPhone (i was too lazy to get out of my seat and grab my good camera from the overhead bin). Not too shabby, aside from reflections in the windows and such. I have been travelling for work quite a bit and unfortunately all my travel has been to Oklahoma City. If you've never been there, don't bother. It's quite possibly the flattest, most boring, featureless, redneck infested shit hole i've ever had the displeasure of visiting.
Anyway, the only reason i thought to post these is because Gauss Jordan mentioned he'd been in Seattle and hadn't been able to visit the Museum of Flight. So, here you are my friend. Not quite the same, but a slightly different view of the outside displays anyway. Next time you're in town, shoot me an email and i'll go to the Museum of Flight with you. I love that place, and they've added a bunch to it sine the last time i was there. And just in case you didn't get a good view of the mountain while you were here, i thought i'd include a shot of it as well. Mount Rainier is one of my favorite place and i can't wait to get some hiking in there this summer.

^ KBFI as seen from seat 6A on final to 16C @KSEA

^ KBFI as seen from seat 6A on final to 16C @KSEA (Museum of Flight is center frame with various historic aircraft visible below and slightly left of center)

^ Mt. Rainier on climb out from KSEA for KOKC.
Anyway, the only reason i thought to post these is because Gauss Jordan mentioned he'd been in Seattle and hadn't been able to visit the Museum of Flight. So, here you are my friend. Not quite the same, but a slightly different view of the outside displays anyway. Next time you're in town, shoot me an email and i'll go to the Museum of Flight with you. I love that place, and they've added a bunch to it sine the last time i was there. And just in case you didn't get a good view of the mountain while you were here, i thought i'd include a shot of it as well. Mount Rainier is one of my favorite place and i can't wait to get some hiking in there this summer.
^ KBFI as seen from seat 6A on final to 16C @KSEA
^ KBFI as seen from seat 6A on final to 16C @KSEA (Museum of Flight is center frame with various historic aircraft visible below and slightly left of center)
^ Mt. Rainier on climb out from KSEA for KOKC.
Monday, June 6, 2011
A bit of porn...
Well, this ought to give you some idea as to the variety of geek that i am. Airplane porn for the win!
But Jesus! Listen to the sound of those engines! And that an airplane that big can climb like that is impressive. I was flying out of KMSP aboard a Northwest Airlines Boeing 757-200 several years back and watched the runway markers tick past on the take-off roll. That airplane only used 2500 feet of runway on take-off! That is next to nothing for an aircraft of that size. When i stopped by the cockpit to chat the pilot after the flight, he said we were climbing out at 6500 feet per minute, which again, is astounding performance.
Seeing stuff like this really makes me wish i'd pursued flying as a career rather than just for recreation. I highly doubt my local FBO will be offering an aircraft like this one for rent anytime soon.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
What a spoiled little bitch I am...
Yes, a spoiled little bitch. I've become one of "those" people somehow. It's difficult to say how the transformation occurred or when, but it did. When i was really young, life was pretty good. My parents hadn't yet divorced, my dad owned a successful business, we lived in an upper-middle class neighborhood, etc. We didn't live extravagantly as my dad was (and still is for that matter) something of a tight wad. But we didn't want for anything either.
Then things went to Hell on a rocket powered sled. My parents got divorced, we were in a nasty car wreck that got blamed on my mother (who was NOT at fault) and moved from a big house to a tiny apartment, from nice car to shitty car to the fucking bus, and from eating delicious meals to instant noodles and mac and cheese. Nothing like being moments away from homelessness to bring a smile to ones face. My paper route money went to feeding my family and paying household bills at the age of 12. Add in the stresses of figuring out that i'm gay and having to keep that bottled up for a couple decades and it's no wonder i drifted into a depression that i never really got out of. Yes, i'm still suffering from depression and subjecting my poor, loving partner to a slice of Hell on earth now and then. Well, quite a bit actually. Why he hasn't left me i'll never know.
But i digress. My point is i am now a spoiled little shit despite all the crap i've been through in my life. I live in a nice house in a snotty, uptight suburban neighborhood (that i hate by the way, and can't wait to leave for an upper crust neighborhood in a historic district in the city), i have not one, but two German luxury cars, and take vacations to places like Maui on a whim. I'm not meaning to brag. Quite the opposite. I have become one of the assholes that i once loathed.
It's got to the point that i refuse to fly coach. I will only fly first class domestically, and at the very least business class on overseas international flights. Even for work. The cheap fuckers only provide for coach airfare. So, i actually pay out of pocket to upgrade to first class each and every flight i have to take for work. The free-flowing liquor and extra ball room in the seat are well worth it however.
I have a need to go and buy a new car. A better car than what i have already. One with more features and more power and more prestige and more look-at-me factor. And this is despite the fact that the car i have is not only in perfect working order (and still under lease for anther 18 months), but a very nice car that most people would love to have.
But you know what? I don't think i could live any other way. I love spending money and having the absolute best of everything. I'm headed to Cabo San Lucas in a few weeks, first class. And to Maui in a couple months, first class. Despite the fact i hate what i've become, i can't seem to live any other way.
Even though i want for nothing and have more than i need, i start to foam at the mouth when i hear about how my hard earned tax dollars are being spent on social programs. Sure, some people are genuinely unfortunate and need assistance to get back on their feet. But far too many abuse the system. Assistance designed to be temporary and help people who are less fortunate get back on their feet becomes a way of life and these lazy assholes suck the system, and my wallet, dry. What's mine is mine and if you want what i have, get off your lazy fucking ass and work for it.
Maybe it's because i had so little for so long and was so poor most of my life that i'm so possessive of what i work so hard for. Or maybe i'm just an asshole who no longer possesses any sense of compassion.
I have no idea how this post has (d)evolved to what it is. And maybe it doesn't matter. This probably makes me sound well prickish. But it's not that i don't care, i just don't give a fuck.
I think perhaps its time to refresh my beverage and have some dinner before i go to bed and rest for another brutal day at work tomorrow.
Goodnight, blogland.
Then things went to Hell on a rocket powered sled. My parents got divorced, we were in a nasty car wreck that got blamed on my mother (who was NOT at fault) and moved from a big house to a tiny apartment, from nice car to shitty car to the fucking bus, and from eating delicious meals to instant noodles and mac and cheese. Nothing like being moments away from homelessness to bring a smile to ones face. My paper route money went to feeding my family and paying household bills at the age of 12. Add in the stresses of figuring out that i'm gay and having to keep that bottled up for a couple decades and it's no wonder i drifted into a depression that i never really got out of. Yes, i'm still suffering from depression and subjecting my poor, loving partner to a slice of Hell on earth now and then. Well, quite a bit actually. Why he hasn't left me i'll never know.
But i digress. My point is i am now a spoiled little shit despite all the crap i've been through in my life. I live in a nice house in a snotty, uptight suburban neighborhood (that i hate by the way, and can't wait to leave for an upper crust neighborhood in a historic district in the city), i have not one, but two German luxury cars, and take vacations to places like Maui on a whim. I'm not meaning to brag. Quite the opposite. I have become one of the assholes that i once loathed.
It's got to the point that i refuse to fly coach. I will only fly first class domestically, and at the very least business class on overseas international flights. Even for work. The cheap fuckers only provide for coach airfare. So, i actually pay out of pocket to upgrade to first class each and every flight i have to take for work. The free-flowing liquor and extra ball room in the seat are well worth it however.
I have a need to go and buy a new car. A better car than what i have already. One with more features and more power and more prestige and more look-at-me factor. And this is despite the fact that the car i have is not only in perfect working order (and still under lease for anther 18 months), but a very nice car that most people would love to have.
But you know what? I don't think i could live any other way. I love spending money and having the absolute best of everything. I'm headed to Cabo San Lucas in a few weeks, first class. And to Maui in a couple months, first class. Despite the fact i hate what i've become, i can't seem to live any other way.
Even though i want for nothing and have more than i need, i start to foam at the mouth when i hear about how my hard earned tax dollars are being spent on social programs. Sure, some people are genuinely unfortunate and need assistance to get back on their feet. But far too many abuse the system. Assistance designed to be temporary and help people who are less fortunate get back on their feet becomes a way of life and these lazy assholes suck the system, and my wallet, dry. What's mine is mine and if you want what i have, get off your lazy fucking ass and work for it.
Maybe it's because i had so little for so long and was so poor most of my life that i'm so possessive of what i work so hard for. Or maybe i'm just an asshole who no longer possesses any sense of compassion.
I have no idea how this post has (d)evolved to what it is. And maybe it doesn't matter. This probably makes me sound well prickish. But it's not that i don't care, i just don't give a fuck.
I think perhaps its time to refresh my beverage and have some dinner before i go to bed and rest for another brutal day at work tomorrow.
Goodnight, blogland.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Blogiversary Part II
Well, it looks like the two year anniversary of my little blog passed unnoticed by even me. March 15th marked two years that this blog has been around. There have been a lot of changes in the blogosphere and the world at large in that time frame. The two year anniversary of me being a proud, openly gay man passed on March 20th. Fast forward to today, and i have a wonderful partner that i love very much and a happy home life that was just a dream a few years ago.
I have a good life, and i couldn't have the life i have without the help and love of people that i have never met in real life. All the friends i made by blogging and being a part of our little online community really made the worst of it easier to bear. People like James who was always there to hear me bitch about something and try to help me through it. And Steevo, who not only was there to lend an ear but who encouraged me to go to my first PFLAG meeting and was a constant source of encouragement and provider of resources. Also included are all the people who read my blog, commented on my blog, chatted with me on MSN.
But the one who really started me on my path to where i am today was Mirrorboy. He was the first person i ever told that i was gay, the one who always had a kind word for me when i was feeling down no matter how down he was himself, the most selfless and caring friend anyone would ever want to have online or in real life. So Mirrorboy, here's to you mate. Thanks for always being there for me buddy. I miss chatting with you immensely. Even though we haven't spoken in ages, i still think of you often. I love you buddy, and where ever you are and whatever you might be doing i hope you are happy and healthy and on the path to life good life you deserve.
I have a good life, and i couldn't have the life i have without the help and love of people that i have never met in real life. All the friends i made by blogging and being a part of our little online community really made the worst of it easier to bear. People like James who was always there to hear me bitch about something and try to help me through it. And Steevo, who not only was there to lend an ear but who encouraged me to go to my first PFLAG meeting and was a constant source of encouragement and provider of resources. Also included are all the people who read my blog, commented on my blog, chatted with me on MSN.
But the one who really started me on my path to where i am today was Mirrorboy. He was the first person i ever told that i was gay, the one who always had a kind word for me when i was feeling down no matter how down he was himself, the most selfless and caring friend anyone would ever want to have online or in real life. So Mirrorboy, here's to you mate. Thanks for always being there for me buddy. I miss chatting with you immensely. Even though we haven't spoken in ages, i still think of you often. I love you buddy, and where ever you are and whatever you might be doing i hope you are happy and healthy and on the path to life good life you deserve.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Where did we lose our way?
It was on this day, March 2, way back in 1969 that the most iconic airliner of all time, Concorde, made it's first flight. It is the only aircraft to ever enter regularly scheduled supersonic passenger service, and will likely be the only aircraft to do so. Concorde has it's origins in the late 1950's (!!!) and was under construction as a prototype in the mid 1960's. The SR-71 Blackbird also has it's roots in the 50's and was flying at three and a half times the speed of sound in the early 60's. In July of 1969, NASA landed a man on the moon using a spacecraft that had less computing power than the most basic mobile phones of today, not to mention my iphone.
So why is it that with all our technological advancements we haven't been back to the moon since 1972? Have humans lost all ambition? Sure part of the problem is money. It takes a great deal of cash to get to the moon. But when one looks at all the money governments piss away of utter bullshit, i can't help but think that we as humans would be much farther along in our exploration of space. I mean, who hasn't looked up at the stars and wondered what exactly is out there in the great vastness of space? And if we could get to the moon in 1969, given the rate of advancement of technology, we should be well on our way to developing some means of traveling faster than light and actually exploring whats out there.
But lets go back a step. How is it that in 1969 there was an airliner capable of sustained supersonic flight and today the best we can do is subsonic. Part of it is money again. But there are plenty who are willing to shell out for a flight across the atlantic at more than twice the speed of sound (myself included). But the other part is all the tree huggers and goddamn hippies. "Hey man, you can't fly that thing here, you're ruining my vibe man". All the sniveling whiners complain about the noise. Well, the Concorde didn't go supersonic until it was out over the ocean, so unless your house is in the middle of the Atlantic, shut the fuck up. And fuel consumption/pollution is the other part. Well, unless you don't drive a car and live in the fucking woods without electricity, you're contributing just as much to pollution and energy consumption as anyone, so shut the fuck up.
We have gone from this:

To this:

From a sleek, sexy, fast beauty to a fat, ugly bloated flying goddamn bus. What the fuck?
Such a shame that in this day and age one can't fly supersonic. Now that i have the means to do so, all i can hope is that someday we will find our way once again and we will take a step forward in our advancement instead of a step back.
So why is it that with all our technological advancements we haven't been back to the moon since 1972? Have humans lost all ambition? Sure part of the problem is money. It takes a great deal of cash to get to the moon. But when one looks at all the money governments piss away of utter bullshit, i can't help but think that we as humans would be much farther along in our exploration of space. I mean, who hasn't looked up at the stars and wondered what exactly is out there in the great vastness of space? And if we could get to the moon in 1969, given the rate of advancement of technology, we should be well on our way to developing some means of traveling faster than light and actually exploring whats out there.
But lets go back a step. How is it that in 1969 there was an airliner capable of sustained supersonic flight and today the best we can do is subsonic. Part of it is money again. But there are plenty who are willing to shell out for a flight across the atlantic at more than twice the speed of sound (myself included). But the other part is all the tree huggers and goddamn hippies. "Hey man, you can't fly that thing here, you're ruining my vibe man". All the sniveling whiners complain about the noise. Well, the Concorde didn't go supersonic until it was out over the ocean, so unless your house is in the middle of the Atlantic, shut the fuck up. And fuel consumption/pollution is the other part. Well, unless you don't drive a car and live in the fucking woods without electricity, you're contributing just as much to pollution and energy consumption as anyone, so shut the fuck up.
We have gone from this:

To this:

From a sleek, sexy, fast beauty to a fat, ugly bloated flying goddamn bus. What the fuck?
Such a shame that in this day and age one can't fly supersonic. Now that i have the means to do so, all i can hope is that someday we will find our way once again and we will take a step forward in our advancement instead of a step back.
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